Amazing Rainbow

Spreading colourfull life into the world

Rejection, Fear, and Dating

Single again? As we travel through life, we often end up single. There are many reasons why. It could be the result of meeting the wrong person, death, cheating, lies, divorce, location, goals, and more. Losing a relationship impacts us in many ways. It can be very painful, or it can be very refreshing, or anywhere in-between. No matter what the cause or the degree of pain, there is one truth we all share: We don’t want to end up alone. We want to find companionship.

In order to get into a new relationship, we have to be willing to meet and go out with people. It’s our own fear, however, that often gets in the way.
  • We fear getting rejected.
  • We fear having a bad time.
  • We fear getting hurt.
  • We fear having to reject someone else.

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Be Your Own Best Friend

Do you ever speak negatively to yourself, maybe you put yourself down in front of others, or perhaps you have difficulty accepting praise (maybe you don't think you deserve it)? If you are guilty of doing this, why do you do it? These are all related to low self esteem and a lack of self confidence.

It simply does not pay to put yourself down when you are on a path of self development or self improvement. For every little success you have will be negated by the negative self talk or attitudes you have towards yourself. It's like one step forward, negative self talk, then two steps back.

Wherever you want to get to in life, whatever you want to do, it is imperative that you become your own best friend first. Why bother with self doubt and loathing? Look where they have got you? Put them behind you, they haven't served any useful purpose up until now and they won't serve a useful purpose in the future. All they do is keep you stuck in a self perpetuating loop of negativity and self doubt.

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Ten Thing You Can Do to Reduce Your Stress

These are really simple tips but most of them works quite well for people. If we do at least half of them we would be less stressed person and that means you would be happier. Try to think about that and make your choice - fight with stress or stress about it!
  1. Share your worries with family or friends whenever possible.
  2. Try to develop a social network or circle of friends and make time to see the people that matter to you.
  3. Exercise regularly - even a brisk walk at lunchtime is better than nothing. Plan in your exercise time otherwise it won't happen.
  4. Give yourself treats and rewards for positive actions, attitudes and thoughts.
  5. Don't be too hard on yourself- try to keep things in proportion.
  6. Don't bottle things up or sit all night brooding - think realistically about problems and decide to take some appropriate action; if necessary, distract yourself in a pleasant way.
  7. Plan for the future and do not dwell on past mistakes or disappointments. Don't beat yourself up.
  8. Relax every day and make time for YOU.
  9. Learn to delegate both at work and at home.
  10. Take short rests during the day and have proper breaks for meals. Take that lunch hour (or half hour).

Live for Your Self

Do you like you? If you do not like yourself, who and what do you like and why do you like it. Here is a crazy question. If you could be any, one you wanted to be who would you be? These are just a few questions please feel free to think about these in your share time.

Share time this is one of the more over used words in the English language. The one thing on this green earth that we have the lease of is time. Okay lets' get back to the original question. Are you happy, I have found that more of us are not happy.

In fact, people are very unhappy. Most people are just wasting time doing the things that they believe the world and/or those around them want them to do. If that, is the way that you are living your life is it worth it.

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Building Your Confidence

Building confidence whether in an individual or team situation can greatly impact the outcome of a situation or even the success of a respective venture. If a member of your team is lacking in confidence then it is your responsibility to ensure that they are encouraged and lifted up to maximum performance and greater impact within communicative and people based circumstances.

Often all it takes is a little reminder of the skills and awards which we are all prone to over our lifetimes. Encouragement is a wonderful tool on boosting confidence of your self or someone else. A compliment not on their appearance but skills and worth can be worth more than you may know to someone lacking in confidence. Make note of points which you can comment on so that your team and friends always know that they are important and respected.

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How to Make the Most Out of Your Time

One of the top complaints or obstacles that entrepreneurs have is "I don't have enough time."

Think about that for a moment

Does that describe you? Do you have too much on your plate and not enough time?

Do you often find yourself dreaming, "If only I had more time?"

Well, you've probably heard the saying that we all have the same amount of time per day. It's true isn't it? We all have the same 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. How is it that some people seem to get so much done and others are struggling just to keep up?

Thinking that you can have MORE time is a major part of the problem.

There's nowhere to purchase MORE time. You have all the time that's available to you until your time is up - it's really about how you can more effectively choose where to invest your time.

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Your Power of Real Concentration

Did you ever stop to think what an important part your thoughts, I mean real concentrated thoughts, play in your life?

The ability to concentrate all your attention is so important, no matter what task or job you have to get done… as nothing great or significant can be accomplished without proper effort and concentration.

And almost all of us have some sort of difficulty in the concentration of our attention.

Workers in business and industry, students in high school and college, and even professors in universities, complain of the same difficulty.

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Time to Get Pregnant, Fertility Period

So you want to get pregnant, but you have been having trouble doing so. I have some great tips that will help you on your way to achieving your goal.

First, to know how long your menstrual cycles are, track them on the calendar for 2 or 3 months. Your menstrual cycle starts with the day your period starts and stops the day before your next period starts. If you are not sure the number of days in your menstrual cycle, you can use 28 days. This is the normal length of a menstrual cycle.

In order for you to get pregnant, you should have sex before you ovulate, at least two or three days before ovulation - those will be your most fertile days.

How will you know when you're going to ovulate? There are many methods available, ovulation predictor kits or tracking your basal body temperature. Research states that the best time for intercourse is the day you notice the most fertile cervical mucus.

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3 Coping Skills You Must Have to Handle Stress

There is no easy answer for how women handle stress. You can't have someone tell you to "do this", and you "do that", and then Poof, your stress magically disappears. It doesn't work that way, at least not for women. They are deep and complex individuals and the answer to resolving stressful issues is usually elusive and often just out of reach.

Stress can keep you off balance, subconsciously searching for that one "Aha" moment when you realize what you must do in order to resolve the situation and easy your discomfort.

Unless you've experienced it you just don't know how debilitating these feelings can be: feelings of constant turmoil and fear. You know, that sick, churning feeling in your gut that just won't go away: feelings of inadequacy, and of responsibilities so overwhelming you're sure you'll never be able to handle it all.

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Clean Your Mind

Can’t sleep? Can’t think straight? Too tired to function? Trying to focus on your workload but can’t? It’s time to gain control and cleaning your mind!

In this day and age, it’s all too easy to be overwhelmed by the pressures of day to day living. Have a good look around you. Recognise those strained and tense expressions. Everybody is juggling their workloads, many people are tired, irritable and stressed and struggling to cope but some people have learned how to manage these pressures more readily and the answer is to keep your mind as calm and as organised as possible.

As a writer, I often have many projects on the go at any one time, these projects range from how-to articles, writing courses and books, and include many different subjects, ideas and creative images which are collated in my mind at any one time. On top of that, I teach creative writing at college too. One day I realised that my brain felt scrambled, I had complete overload, worse, I had so many ideas flowing through the creative channels that I could not concentrate on any particular one!

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Maintaining Inspiration

How can we preserve our inspiration In this planet you have to be taught to stimulate manually There are many things in the life that can grounds you to lose your inspiration It is our job to be taught to identify anything that grounds us to lose our inspiration an extra time for us, to stay provoked we must be taught to draw on our own inside reasons.

One way to stay provoked is to be taught to send time with you. It is not necessary to for all time have citizens about to stimulate that kind of inspiration is only impermanent Most of our inspiration that comes from outside sources will never last. When we take to time to get to know us, we will mostly find a nice person. We are provoked be grounds we be taught to love who we are and the way we are.

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True Listening

What is true listening? People suggests that true listening is not advise, counsel or trying to solve problems. Listening is just hearing what your troubled teen has to say. Parents often respond to a teen with comments that are judgmental, advisory or are non-accepting in some way. These responses “close” or shut down the conversation and do not promote further dialogue.
Closed responses also "discount" the other person.

Open responses are a much more productive method of communicating with a defiant teenager. These responses are nonjudgmental, and have no suggestions or solutions. The response is one of simply accepting what is being said. These responses reflect both the content and the feelings the child is projecting to you as the parent.

Here is an example of closed parent response and an example of open parent response.

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Stop Worrying About What Other People Think‏

"What Makes Me A Beauty Expert?"

I didn't choose to be a Beauty Expert. It chose me. I still don't know why it chose me, lately I've felt its part of my purpose and I feel so very blessed for it and this powerful thing called destiny.

I have lived my whole life seeking perfection. I wanted to look good but at the same time, I never quite understood how to accept myself.

I went to Beauty College to be an Aesthetician after high school in hopes of learning the secrets to preserve my youth. I studied the Aesthetician course for skin care. My studies included basic skin care with the understanding of how ingredients in products affect the skin, skin waxing and make-up application.

I learned how to apply foundation, eyeliner, eyelashes, and contour the eyes with shadow and the cheeks with blush, using the appropriate cosmetic utensils. I lived make-up and all things skin. I guess I was a little obsessed back then.

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Dating Blueprint

If you are going to have success with dating you need to believe in what you are doing. This is something that many people don't take into consideration. Sure, they want to date and find love but they don't really know how to get there. Fortunately, if you devise a better dating blueprint you can get on the right track.

Those who believe they are on the right track don't have anything to worry about. They can continue to follow their blueprint until they get what they want. But on the other side, if you are not achieving dating success it is time to make a change.

Why don't you believe in what you are doing? This is the question that you have to answer first. Some people feel that they are not looking for their next date in the right place. Others are missing the boat because they are going out with the wrong type of people. No matter why you are lagging behind, you need to do your best in finding a better plan.
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Easy Hair Removal

If you are one of the many people who suffer from excessive hair in embarrassing places, there are methods which can be used to remove this hair. There are a number of easy hair removal techniques available, leaving your body smooth and hair free.

Many salons around the UK offer easy hair removal services. As well as this there are many hair removal methods which can be carried out in the privacy of your own home.

Each person has their own preferred methods, lets discuss the options.

1. Shaving

 Shaving is the most common method of hair removal. For men it is common to shave facial hair and other areas using a shaving device. For women, facial hair removal is carried out using alternative devices, although they do use shavers for other areas of the body. Shaving is a quick way of easy hair removal, with little pain. It can be carried out at home and there is little risk of reactions of the skin. Hair can be removed completely or neatly trimmed and there are a wide range of products available for both men and women.
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When you need Emergency Contraception?

Emergency contraception (EC) is not the substitute for regular birth control methods or abortion but, in fact, is the “emergency” option for women to avoid pregnancy after contraception failure, sexual assault or unprotected intercourse. Emergency contraception, specially Progestin-only birth control pills like Plan B, are advised to women seeking immediate action to avoid pregnancy. Such pills are advised to rape victims and sexually assaulted women as well.

Emergency contraception pills are also known as “morning-after”, “EC” or “Postcoital Contraception” in medical terms. However, “morning-after” doesn’t mean that emergency contraception pills to be taken in the morning. It should be taken as prescribed.
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5 Ways to Overcome a Bad Mood

A bad mood is capable of striking anybody at one point or another. These seemingly inexplicable 'spells' that assault our positive demeanor can ruin an entire day. When you're moody nothing seems to go right.

The negative outlook this creates can set the stage for experiencing conflict or difficulties in areas that were otherwise problem free. As your thinking patterns tend to lack positive thoughts you can easily create a 'vortex' of negativity that will lead to nowhere good.

Perhaps the most dangerous part of carrying around the negative emotions that result from moods like this is your inability to think clearly. Negative mood swings put you in a position where you base your reactions and decisions on emotions and feelings. This is NOT a good thing.
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